Friday, January 4, 2013

MHDD & new pic format

I see now that I mentioned the MHDD but failed to include it - sorry. :)

I can't find the latest one here, but Curt is sending it to me and I'll post it here as well as forward it on to the people in this event. You are not required to use it, but it's the format I use and how I both check your design as well as keep the running records.

Brent suggested PNG format instead of JPG for the maps, so giving that a try here -

I've also chosen "X-large" as the display size. See if that helps. It's also customary for me to show zoom in views where the action is taking place...

And lastly - a big welcome to all the observers on this one! Response was so tremendous that I had people wanting in even after it was full, so there are people watching this event and waiting for the next one. :-)   I hope everyone enjoys, and it's good to be back. :-)

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